Tuesday 18 October 2016

11 Creative Ways To Give A Gift

11 creative Ways To Give A Gift
 – No Ordinary Wrapping AllowedMake a lasting memory with the way you present a gift!
1.Scavenger Hunt– This has to be our all time favorite and we often combine with other fun things.  We have several to share from the past.  Just create some clues from one destination to the next and the final clue can have the gift or a clueto what the gift is.  This takes a little planning and planting of clues.A.The present for the scavenger hunt below was found on the back side of the tree.  It was a drawing ofour family in an airplane leaving NC and flying to NY. The gift to the grandparents was us going to visit them inNY on a future date.
B.Each station a Hint and instructions to the next clue were presented.  The hints that were collected were theletter “W” a picture of an “eye” and the letter “i”.   Putting the puzzle together it was a Wii….Which was hidden unwrapped behind the TV.
2.Puzzle pieces– Draw a picture or print one.  This picture or photo canbe an image of the actual gift, a word, a clue to where the gift is hidden or a riddle to solve).  Cut into 20 pieces, similar to a jigsaw puzzle.  Present the puzzle pieces as the gift and they need to put the puzzle back together.  The kind andtype of puzzle can be anything you want.  The more complex the puzzle, the more suspense.  If they want the present, they gotta earn it!The puzzle below was giving Lars VIP passes tohis first professional Fútbolgame. If you are really creative, you can overlay some text or an image on the below puzzle and cut it out for them.  I would suggest you just cut on your own, but this looks more authentic.
3.Monkey See Monkey Do– These are fun!  You can provide a list of “things” one needs to do to obtain their gift or a clue to where it is.
4.Visual Clues– This one can be a bittricky, but it is handy to use those homophones for this one.  The gift idea below was a day for dad without the wife and kids.  He couldcome and go and do whatever he pleases that day.  I took the kids to the zoo for the day of his choice.
5.Riddlesor Questions– Create a funriddle that needs to be solved.  The answer to the riddle can either be a clue to the gift or the answer.A.Example Riddle for a day at theSpa:i.“What gets wetter andwetter the more it dries?”  A towel of course.ii.I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?  A sponge.iii.Take the two answers above to a place to relax and rhymes with ah!  A Spa.B.It can also be more of a “mystery gift” and you can have the person ask questions with onlyYes or Noanswers available, similar to 20 questions.
6.Balloon notes– Make a note or card, cut into a few to several pieces.  Place each piece into a balloon, blow it up, tie it and presenta balloon bouquet.  The recipient has to pop all the balloons and put together to read.
7.A quick website or web page– Alanis a whiz with creating technical things.  Here he explains what you can do if you’re technically inclined,by building a website/webpage for the recipient.Alan:“A webpage can add another layer of obfuscation to the end gift.  The key is to customize the page to the person/gift.  For example, last Christmas I created “Santa’s Portal”website.  When Heidi opened the website, there was a form that asked her for her Name and DOB (for verification purposes), and when she submitted the form, it told her that she was a very deserving wife, and that she did in fact qualify for a gift that year.  It then provided a link so she could “redeem” her gift.  Once she clickedthe link,  a music album that she really wanted started playing.”  Alan had thought of a clever way ofgiving me some MP3s and the files were stored on my laptop in my music folder!
8.Video or Slide Show– Have them unwrap their gift in a video, you cangive hints in photos or text flashes on the screen.  You can really makethis loads of fun.  Perhaps a hint with the music.  I had some great friend announce they were expecting their first child this way and it was wonderful.  It was full of photos of them through out the year and some text slides hinting a change was coming.  I was sure they were going to move.  Nope I was wrong.  They were announcingthey were pregnant with their first child.  What a great gift!
9.Here are some ideas for special ways to give gifts when you travel.Here are our amazingly clever gifts from Christmas in Vietnam.
10.Create A Lasting Experience For The Holidays – For us there is absolutely nothing better than the gift of experience.  We share our thoughts with you and as you can see, the feeling and spirit of Christmas can be anywhere!
11.We love our Mystery Gift Tradition–  One person buys a gift and wraps it. On Christmas eve or morning, the group passes it around.  Each person is allowed toask one yes or no question and then guess the contents of the package. It continues until someone makes an accurate guess.  The kids love this one!
Source : www. wagonersabroad.com

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